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Monday, January 3, 2011

Orange is the color...

First the Giants win the World Series, and tonight, Stanford wins the Orange Bowl. It's been a great winter so far...

In some ways I hope Jim Harbaugh stays, but these days almost everyone, especially at his age, is looking to move up to something better. In my experience, you can move on, but it is not always better. I applaud him for trying to make it be about the kids and the game, as opposed to what the media want to hear.

Countdown: 185 days until Vern is 64

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Who Knows Where the Time Goes?

When last I posted, the Giants had just won the West, the World Series was just a hope, Thanksgiving (both Canadian and US versions) were far off, Christmas was distant, 2010 seemed like it would never end, and I hadn't spent 3 18 hour days last week breaking the back of a website re-design made necessary by offshore hackers. sigh...

Back then, this was the #1 song among Giants fans.

How things change, eh?

I was there...every game at Pac Bell, and, if you know where to look, you can see my orange towel waving at the :04 mark in this one.

We now live in a world significantly better because the Giants are World Champions! Life is good!

Oh...yes...and in  just about 6 months I'm hosting an event, so I need to get my act in gear. I have pretty much made up my mind as to what's going to happen, and when, but I need to make sure it will work with some of the most significant people in my life, so I'll begin to let you know soon.

In the meantime, if you are planning to attend, think seriously about making a reservation for a place to stay. I've blogged about some options, here, and here.

Countdown: 186 days until Vern is 64.