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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Black Tie Decorations

Here's a look at the tables...before anyone got well as the name tags and glasses...

These are from Judi's phone camera...

Pictures from Doug's phone

This set includes the beginning of a job interview (Ken got the offer...) as well as a great pic of lura and Brian just before the crowd arrived for the big event. Thanks, Doug.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More pictures

These were taken during Thursday's wine crawl by lura with her phone camera (except for the one in which Vern's arm wasn't quite long enough to get everyone in the picture...sigh...):

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We have evidence...

Yes, the party did happen...

Thanks to Sheryl Pomerenk for these pictures...

here are some from Friday night's Pizza party...

and a shot of Judi and I early during the main event...

more to come...